SCA invests in heat from renewable fuels
When SCA’s mill outside Sundsvall carries out a larger project, Zert’s consulting department Selecto is included. The assignment is to manage and document risk assessments of technical systems.

SCA is one of the world-leading operators within sectors like: personal hygiene products, tissue and forest industry products. Right now SCA is implementing the Biocoop project at its plant outside Sundsvall. The project includes a new plant for the grinding of pellets and the burning of wood powder in two bio fuel boilers as well as investments in smoke gas cleaning. They are also rebuilding for the delivery of distance heating to Sundsvalls Energi AB.
Selecto conducts and documents risk assessments in the project
In the project Selecto, Zert’s consultant unit, has been commissioned to conduct and document risk assessments of technical systems in consultation with the SCA project management. Apart from SCA’s own staff, risk assessment groups also include experts from Sundsvalls Energi, third-party authorities, a number of consultants and the various suppliers within the project.
More heating from renewable fuels will lead to reduced oil consumption
The investments into Biocoop will lead to SCA being able to supply more heating from renewable fuels to the Sundsvall district heating network from both the Östrand and the Ortviken plants. The investment will also lead to a substantial reduction of oil consumption in Sundsvall and a reduction of CO2 emissions. Oil consumption is estimated to be reduced by ca 25 000 m3 per year.