New plant brings more cheese from Norrmejerier
Norrmejerier in Burträsk completed a new plant for more than 150 million in 2014. The new facility means that Norrmejerier can produce much more of its appreciated västerbottensost than before.

Norrmejerier is owned by local farmers in the Counties of Norrbotten, Västerbotten and Västernorrland. With brands like Västerbottensost, Verum and Gainomax Norrmejerier is a popular choice in the north.
When Norrmejerier finished a new plant in 2014 Zert was commissioned to conduct the risk assessments before the CE marking of the machinery and the supportive systems.
Zert RM was well used in the project in order to document all the risk assessments, something that Ulf Greve, local manager of the plant, was able to make good use of.
– Zert has been of great help in our work to make risk assessments of the plant. We feel safe with the work they have done, says Ulf.
Zert would like to thank Norrmejerier for good cooperation and would gladly like to assist in future projects.